When buying something from eBay, you likely expect the process to work similarly every time. You bid on the item, you win the item, the money goes from you to the seller, and then they ship you the item. However, that is not how it works when it comes to real estate. In this article, we will go over something very important regarding how transactions work with buying property on eBay, then close out with some helpful tips for getting the mobile home of your dreams.

You Don’t Actually Buy Through eBay
Unlike other types of listings, when you buy a mobile home on eBay you don’t actually exchange money with the seller directly through the platform. Instead, things are done one of two ways. The first way is if the listing is done through a traditional “auction page”. These proceed like normal until the auction closes, where instead of being asked to pay, you are simply put in contact with the seller. The other way is a “Classified Ad Listing”, where all the seller can do is put down a list price. If you go to purchase, you’ll simply be given a contact form that will be sent to the seller.
In addition, there is no obligation for the seller to actually follow through with the transaction. If the seller decides to sell to another person who bid on it, or even somebody who never bid on eBay at all, there is nothing they can do to force them. Unlike most transactions made on eBay, there is no agreement made between the two parties at all regarding following through on anything.
eBay has no control over the quality, safety, or even legality of the mobile home you’re buying. Many people are under the false impression that eBay will protect them, when in fact they absolve themselves of any and all responsibility for what happens to your “purchase” in their real estate policy, meaning that you are on your own if something goes wrong.
In short, you should treat “buying” a mobile home on eBay as simply another way to look at home listings on any other real estate site. That said, you might still have a better chance of getting a property through the auction format than you would on one of those sites since through the auction you’re interacting with the seller and showing that you’re willing to pay what they want for it. Plenty of real estate, including mobile homes, are sold all the time on eBay, so there’s no reason not to buy a home this way. Just contact the seller, check them out as well as you can, and everything should be fine.
In the next section, we’ll give you some quick tips that will help you pick the right mobile home.
Quick Tips
Listings Can Be Deceptive
Make sure that you don’t base your entire home purchasing decision on the price alone. Mobile homes cost thousands of dollars, sometimes up to over a hundred thousand, so a home that is especially cheap for what it is should raise some red flags. If you spot an especially good deal, consider why the price is what it is.
Go through the listed photos and ensure that everything looks in good condition. Read the description carefully to see if it’s listed as a “fixer-upper” or variations upon. Ensure that you know exactly the condition of the house you’re buying to avoid any nasty repair costs that might add up. Look out for things like electricity, water, plumbing, structural imperfections, and more.
Don’t Be Afraid to Haggle for the Price You Want
Look to see if they have a “best offer” option. Almost all mobile home sellers have this enabled, and even if they don’t, you can still send them a message. It doesn’t hurt to submit an offer that you can afford. Keep this in mind especially when you’re starting to rule out various options that seem like they’re out of your budget. You never know if you will get lucky if you never try.
As you now see, the process for buying a mobile home on eBay isn’t quite so clear-cut and simple. Use what you’ve learned today to make a safe and informed purchasing decision.